Treating Periodontal Disease with a Dentist in Worcester MA

Treating Periodontal Disease with a Dentist in Worcester MA

Finding the best dentist in Worcester MA can be as much of a struggle as it is remembering to make your semi-annual appointments. With Wave Dental, we make the first part easy! Receive the best treatment from a team of professionals who are prepared to address each and every patient’s unique case.

Although every set of teeth is different, the type of case we most frequently see is the development of gingivitis. Gingivitis is a stage of gum disease that occurs when plaque, a naturally occurring substance containing bacteria, builds up on the gums and teeth causing inflammation. Depending on how inflamed and how progressed the gingivitis is, you may experience bleeding in your gums.

Gingivitis is very common, quite so that three out of four Americans will experience it in their lifetime. With proper dental treatment and care early on, it can be reversed. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into a more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis.

Periodontitis is a form of advanced periodontal disease in which the gum recedes from the teeth and creates pockets for additional bacteria to build up and cause deeper infections. In severe cases where the infection goes beneath the gum line, periodontitis can destroy tissue, ligaments, and bones in the mouth. When this happens, the patient is at risk for tooth loss. In fact, periodontal disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in Americans.

Treatment for periodontitis and gingivitis varies depending on the severity of the case. In the early stages, a professional cleaning and a drastic change to your dental hygiene habits are enough to curb the infection’s development. In more severe cases, medication or even surgery may be used as the only remaining option.

Prevention of periodontal disease is incredibly simple and can save you time, pain, and money down the line. The easiest way to prevent infection is by scheduling your dental appointment twice a year and keeping up with good dental habits. If you’re not sure how to take the best care of your teeth at home, ask your Wave Dental dentist in Worcester MA.

Ultimately, maintaining the condition of your teeth is a personal responsibility. Brushing your teeth is important for your oral hygiene and overall health. If they’re not properly cleaned and maintained, bacteria build-up can lead to infections. Ignoring your oral health will cause plaque to build on your teeth and gums, which untreated can develop into tartar and gingivitis and eventually, periodontal disease.

With the finest dentist in Worcester MA as your go-to dental health professional, you’ll always receive the best care regardless of how severe your situation is. By scheduling an appointment with us, you’ll be able to catch periodontal disease early on in its development. Our quality dental team is ready to solve your dental problems, whether you’re showing signs of early gum disease or just want a whiter smile! For more information on our services, call (508) 709 7857 or visit us online!